RICH-2 webinar: Transnational Access to Life Sciences Infrastructures

The event has reached its maximum number of participations. Therefore the registration is closed.

However, after the webinar we will try to share outcomes and key points with interested parties.

 Thank you warmly for your interest.


6 March 2020, 13:00-14:00 CET


By organizing this series of webinars we will promote the Transnational Access scheme as a great opportunity for researchers from different places and fields of science to do their research using the best available research infrastructures in Europe. Participants will receive detailed information concerning open calls, presented by calls organizers themselves. 


To take part in the webinar please follow the registration link. The webinar targets European researchers mainly in the field of life sciences, however it is open for everyone.

In case of questions, please contact with the Polish Research Infrastructures NCP (

 Draft-Agenda (ver. 02.03.2020)


Expert Seminar


13:00 – 13:10

Short presentation of the RICH-2 project and services.

Introduction to webinar.


Rafał Duczmal,

Polish RIs NCP,


13:10 – 13:40

Transnational Access Calls presentations (aims, conditions, tips and advices) given by:

  • INFRAVEC2, Research infrastructures for the control of insect vector-borne diseases
  • TRANSVAC2, European Network of Vaccine Research and Development
  • ERINHA, European Research Infrastructure on Highly Pathogenic Agents
  • EDIReX, EurOPDX Distributed Infrastructure for Research on patient-derived cancer Xenografts


Héloïse Lemoine, INFRAVEC2

Dr. Monika Slezak and Dr. Catarina Luis, TRANSVAC2

Dr. Krista Versteeg, ERINHA

Emilie Vinolo, EDIReX


13:40 – 13:55

Q&A session

All speakers


Registration form