Transnational & Virtual Access

The list hereunder includes all the on-going projects funded under FP7 and H2020 RI to open their research infrastructures to transnational/virtual researchers/users. These are the projects funded under the Integrating Activities part of the RI Work programme, some of the ESFRI projects (if access is granted to all researchers no matter if their country is member of the ESFRI RI) and some e-infrastructures (provided services are addressed to researchers and not to RIs or other e-infra).

For each project, a short description of the transnational/virtual activities is given as well as the deadline to submit a proposal to open call and a link to the project website and the TA&VA access webpage. The projects can be filtered by scientific domain and type of access (transnational or virtual).

More information about Transnational Access

RICH: TA & VA Users' Testimonies

ARIADNEplus | Advanced Research Infrastructure for Archaeological Dataset Networking in Europe - plus | Social Sciences and Humanities
Transnational Access Info:

ARIADNE provides services for archaeologists to enable trans-national access to the research infrastructure. These services include online databases and training resources, training workshops and placements in participating research organisations to enable researchers to gain pan-European experience. The ARIADNE Portal will also include a registry, search facilities, visualization, alerts and other online services that will support the finding and sharing of archaeological datasets.

ARIADNE includes leading portals which provide integrated access to several archaeological datasets.  The project is developing a core set of services that will be available through a state-of-the-art portal for the archaeological research community, including registry, search, visualization, access, alert and other services.

The ARIADNEplus project is the extension of the previous ARIADNE Integrating Activity, which successfully integrated archaeological data infrastructures in Europe, indexing in its registry about 2.000.000 datasets. ARIADNEplus will build on the ARIADNE results, extending and supporting the research community that the previous project created and further developing the relationships with key stakeholders such as the most important European archaeological associations, researchers, heritage professionals, national heritage agencies and so on.

Status: OPEN
SFERA-III | Solar Facilities for the European Research Area - Third Phase | Engineering and Energy
Transnational Access Info:

The SFERA-III project addresses advanced science challenges and integrated research activities in the field of Concentrating Solar Thermal (CST) by integrating key European research infrastructures into an ambitious wide project aiming at offering to the R&D community a new level of high-quality services.

In this context, the main European research institution operating a unique set of Research Infrastructures (RIs) in CST are coordinating efforts to promote innovative researches, to improve services offered by concentrating solar RIs and to train researchers and engineers on the CST technologies. Both academia and industry users are targeted. These RIs will be open to all European researchers as part of the transnational access activities, from both academia and industry, and attention will be paid to ensure their optimal use and joint development avoiding duplication of the services offered.

- Solar thermal electricity generation (tests from research on components and methods to full prototypes systems): thermodynamic cycles such as Brayton and Stirling cycles, receivers and their coatings, thermal storage, concentrating optics and mirrors, control algorithms and solar resource evaluation, heliostats and linear collectors, high concentration PV cells, etc.

- Solar fuels production: H2, Syngas, liquid and gas hydrocabons, etc.

- Cycles for chemical storage of solar energy for short and long duration: ZnO, CeO, Iron, etc.

- Solar water treatment: desalination, disinfection and decontamination.

- Solar heating and cooling of buildings to improve the energy efficiency in buildings.

- Modelling and controlling of concentrating solar technologies for power plants and for industrial processes

- High value material synthesis and/or coatings deposits (experimental or test of processes): nanomaterials like C or ZnO nanotubes, new ceramics or metals, foams, catalytic layers, etc.

- High-flux photochemistry and photo-physics.

- Characterization of materials behaviour and properties under extreme conditions such as for solar, space or nuclear fields: thermal shields, high temperature materials and parts, etc.

- Solar pumping of LASER for industrial and space applications.

Status: OPEN
ESTEEM3 | Enabling Science and Technology through European Electron Microscopy | Material Sciences & Analytical Facilities
Transnational Access Info:

ESTEEM3 – Enabling Science and Technology through European Electron Microscopy – is an EU funded project for electron microscopy, which aims at providing access to the leading European state-of-the-art electron microscopy research infrastructures, facilitating and extending transnational access services of the most powerful atomic scale characterization techniques in advanced electron microscopy research to a wide range of academic and industrial research communities for the analysis and engineering of novel materials in physical, chemical and biological sciences.

ESTEEM3 objective is to deliver access to users coming from a wider range of disciplines. Transnational Access (TA) to ESTEEM3 centers is obtained through a transparent, simple peer review process based on merit and scientific priorities. Optimum service to users is supported by Networking Activities (NA) and Joint Research Activities (JRA), which address key issues such as specimen preparation, data interpretation, treatment and automation through theory and simulation, and standardization of protocols and methodologies.


The call for TNA applications is continous.

Status: OPEN
EurofleetsPlus | An alliance of European marine research infrastructure to meet the evolving needs of the research and industrial communities. | Environment and Earth Sciences
Transnational Access Info:

EUROFLEETS+  is an H2020 project funded under the Infrastructures initiative, coordinated by the Marine Institute that brings together a significant group of key marine research actors (in particular research vessel operators) in Europe, North America and Oceania  – 42 marine institutes, universities, foundations and SMEs from 24 countries (full list).

The EUROFLEETS+  project will facilitate open free of charge  access to an integrated and advanced research vessel fleet, designed to meet the evolving and challenging needs of the user community. European and international researchers from academia and industry will be able to apply for several access programmes, through a single-entry system. EUROFLEETS+  will prioritise support for research on sustainable, clean and healthy oceans, linking with existing ocean observation infrastructures, and it will support innovation through working closely with industry. The project will enable access to a unique fleet of 27 state-of-the-art research vessels from European and international partners. Through competitive Calls, researchers will be able to access the entire North Atlantic, Mediterranean, Black Sea, North Sea, Baltic Sea, Pacific Southern Ocean and Ross Sea. In addition to ship time, researchers will also have access to new AUVs and ROVs. A unique portable telepresence system will enable remote access by researchers and diverse end users including the public; a first for Europe. In addition to comprehensive transnational access activities, the project will undertake joint research in challenging and highly relevant areas, including deep ocean research and exploration, data management, and enabling future virtual access. Multiple networking activities will ensure robust Call processes, wide stakeholder engagement, and development of a strategic roadmap and sustainability plan. To maximise the impact of the project, EUROFLEETS+  will implement diverse training and education activities, strong management of innovation in collaboration with industry, and widespread dissemination and communication actions.

EUROFLEETS+  is intentionally ambitious, building on achievements in two preceding Eurofleets projects. It will integrate a larger number of research vessels and extend the research infrastructure by adding a range of advanced mobile marine equipment. The project is likely to create excitement and interest in marine research communities, in particular given the unprecedented access to European and global seas and oceans. Plans for open science will provide access to new data and information for scientists from different domains. The number of days of ship time has been increased relative to previous projects, and new user groups will be sought; from emerging early stage researchers, to those from less equipped countries, to increased participation by women scientists. Advanced IT systems, a multi-functional website, and robust logistical management will provide seamless integration of services and easy access for user groups.

EUROFLEETS+  will extend and enhance the capabilities of the European research vessel infrastructure, bringing new perspectives, new ideas, and new research and innovation tracks.


Remote Transnational Access (Virtual Access) and Co-Principal Investigator calls are continously open.

Status: OPEN
INTERACT | International Network for Terrestrial Research and Monitoring in the Arctic | Environment and Earth Sciences
Transnational Access Info:

The main objective of Work Package 5 is to increase societally-relevant key research activities throughout the Arctic and neighbouring alpine and forested regions. This will be achieved by increasing the knowledge of research opportunities and access possibilities for European and third country researchers to 43 state-of-the art terrestrial research and monitoring stations and large research field sites throughout the North. Access will be for conducting high level science either physically or remotely. Overall, 7780 number of days will be offered as Trans-national access during the project’s lifetime of which 11 % is estimated to be Remote Access (RA): we estimate 552 number of users in 276 projects overall from approximately 30 countries (Europe, USA, Canada and Russia), in addition we anticipate to have some users from Third countries. The average length of physical visits per user will be 15 days and 40 days/user group. In addition 29 stations will offer free online access to data sets in Virtual Access. Descriptions of the stations offering TA and VA can be found in the descriptions of WPs 10-11.The specific objectives of this work package are:

  • to offer Trans-national Access to 43 research stations ranging from high-Arctic deserts and semi-deserts, through North American, Greenlandic and Siberian tundra and through forests to alpine mountains in central Europe (WP10).
  • to extend the research user community of the advanced INTERACT infrastructure by offering Remote Access to 25 research stations. This allows comparative research at several stations simultaneously and consolidates collaboration within science (WP 2) as well as within research station management (WP 3) at the participating stations (WP 10).
  • to offer Virtual Access to 29 research stations’ online data sets, 26 stations offer VA with funding requested in this application and 6 stations as in-kind contribution as their data is already available and maintained (WP11).
  • to implement an online tool “INTERACCESS” for managing the TA and RA applications, evaluations and granting procedures, as well as the management of users groups and reporting.
    to integrate as far as possible the research activities within the user community to address large scale Arctic System questions. This will lead
  • to increased societal relevance of the research, gap identification and avoidance of duplicated effort.
  • to provide outreach through various modalities.

Virtual Access is available continuously.

Status: OPEN
IS-ENES3 | Infrastructure for the European Network for Earth System modelling - Phase 3 | Environment and Earth Sciences
Transnational Access Info:

IS-ENES3, an Horizon 2020 project, is the third phase of the distributed e-infrastructure of the European Network for Earth System Modelling (ENES).

The project fosters collaboration between twenty-two European climate research institutions.

The community aims to develop a better understanding of past and present-day climate and to project future variability and changes through the development and sharing of model components, modelling tools and data infrastructure.

The IS-ENES3 three main objectives are to: 

  • Foster collaboration among the modelling groups to speed-up the development and use of models of the complex Earth’s climate system, namely “Earth System models” (ESMs)
  • Deliver common strategies for the research infrastructure
  • Disseminate model data
Status: OPEN
LASERLAB-EUROPE | The Integrated Initiative of European Laser Research Infrastructures | Material Sciences & Analytical Facilities
Transnational Access Info:

Laserlab-Europe offers unique research opportunities to scientists and industry from all over Europe and to a limited extent also to scientists from outside Europe. Access is provided

• to world-class laser research facilities,
• to a large variety of inter-disciplinary research, including life sciences,
• free of charge, including travel and accommodation.

Access is provided on the basis of scientific excellence of the proposal, reviewed by an external and independent Selection Panel. Priority is given to new users. A typical access project has a duration of 2 to 4 weeks. Applications for longer visits are highly exceptional.

Details about the submission procedure can be found here. Applicants are encouraged to contact any of the facilities directly to obtain additional information and assistance in preparing a proposal. Applications for access are possible anytime with the exceptions listed below under specific calls.

We particularly welcome young scientists and scientists who have never used lasers in their research before. Laserlab-Europe strives to promote gender equality in scientific research and specifically encourages applications from women.

Status: OPEN
OPTICON | Optical Infrared Co-ordination Network for Astronomy | Physics and Astronomy
Transnational Access Info:

The network comprises 17 distinct telescopes in a size range from 0.6 to 4 metres. These offer a mixture of classically scheduled PI projects, some queue scheduled observing where this is a normal operational mode of the telescope in question and a number of robotic telescopes well suited to both monitoring and quick reaction alert type observations. The proposals for OPTICON time at all the telescopes are being reviewed together by a single international Time Allocation Committee (TAC) to ensure network-wide competition and uniform review criteria.

There are two calls for proposal each year.


Status: OPEN
RISIS 2 | Research infrastructure for research and innovation policy studies 2 | Social Sciences and Humanities
Transnational Access Info:

RISIS gives access to 13 datasets for studying science and innovation
The datasets cover five critical dimensions: ERA dynamics (3 datasets), firm innovation dynamics (3 datasets), public sector research (3 datasets), research careers (3 datasets) and a repository on research and innovation policy evaluations.

No deadlines for requesting access - continous call.

Status: OPEN
SOLARNET | High-Resolution Solar Physics Network | Physics and Astronomy
Transnational Access Info:

SOLARNET offers to external users access to the most-advanced, largest and first-class infrastructures for high-resolution ground-based solar physics. Apart from the access offered by the world-class solar telescopes installed at the Canary Islands Observatories (GREGOR, VTT, THEMIS, and SST), is also offered access to IBIS/DST and ROSA/DST, key instruments for studying a variety of solar phenomena installed in a non-European facility: the US Dunn Solar Telescope (DST) of the NSO.

SOLARNET provides access the most demanded European Science Data Centre, providing data gathered by the solar satellite HINODE (SDC Europe) and the Solar Dynamics Observatory (BE-WISSDOM and GSC-SDO). Access to the database repositories is freely provided through internet connection.

Status: OPEN
SYNTHESYS PLUS | Synthesis of systematic resources | Environment and Earth Sciences
Transnational Access Info:

SYNTHESYS+ is the final iteration of the programme, which builds upon previous SYNTHESYS projects which ran from February 2004 – July 2009; September 2009 – August 2013; and September 2013 - August 2017. All iterations of the SYNTHESYS programme have developed collections infrastructure with international partners, via discrete work packages coordinated under deliverables of Access, Networking, and Joint Research Activities. 

SYNTHESYS+ will lay the foundations for the Distributed System of Scientific Collections (DiSSCO), a massive scientific infrastructure project, which will see 115 European Museums from 21 Countries position their collections  at the centre of data-driven scientific excellence and innovation in environmental research, climate change, food security, one health and the bioeconomy.

Click here for more information on DiSSCO. 


SYNTHESYS aims to produce an accessible, integrated European resource for research users in the natural sciences. SYNTHESYS will create a shared, high quality approach to the management, preservation, and access to leading European natural history collections.

A core element in SYNTHESYS is to provide funded researcher visits (Access) to the 390,000,000 specimens housed by SYNTHESYS institutions. In particular, the 4,049,800 type specimens.

Status: CLOSED
AHEAD2020 | Integrated Activities for the High Energy Astrophysics Domain | Physics and Astronomy
Transnational Access Info:

AHEAD2020 provides a network of ground-based test facilities for developing, calibrating and testing both generic technologies as well as instruments developed for space missions in an environment representative of space conditions. Experience gained with AHEAD allows to identify and concentrate the offer on the most requested facilities, while broadening the scope of the access with new services and the inclusion of training visits. This network will ensure that European scientists, engineers and SMEs have more opportunities to access some of the most advanced infrastructures for space environmental testing of components and instrument characterization. Access will be provided in particular to scientists and engineers without national access to similar facilities. For this objective, AHEAD will offer 9 installation facilities that can accomodate 36 different projects, and can serve 105 users, offering a total access of 150 days.

Status: OPEN
eLTER PLUS | European long-term ecosystem, critical zone and socio-ecological systems research infrastructure PLUS | Environment and Earth Sciences
Transnational Access Info:

The Advanced Community Project for the eLTER Research Infrastructure (eLTER PLUS) belongs to INFRAIA-01-2018-2019 programme of HORIZON 2020 and is built on three main pillars -  networking, joint research activities and transnational, remote and virtual access. eLTER PLUS will conduct a performance test of the emerging eLTER RI while challenging, assessing and strengthening its operations. Selected sites and platforms in terrestrial, freshwater and coastal ecosystems will be used to study ecosystem integrity, impacts of climate change and endangered ecosystem services at a pan-European scale. Alongside these exemplary case studies eLTER PLUS will identify and assess innovative observational and analytical methods, elaborate detailed specifications of eLTER RI according to community needs (standard observations, site design), support community building and training,  and pilot priority services (IT and other support).

Status: OPEN
EPN-2024-RI | Europlanet 2024 Research Infrastructure | Physics and Astronomy
Transnational Access Info:

The Europlanet 2024 Research Infrastructure (RI) provides free access to the world’s largest collection of planetary simulation and analysis facilities, data services and tools, a ground-based observational network and programme of community support activities.

The project is funded through the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 programme and runs for four years from February 2020 until January 2024. The Europlanet 2024 RI consortium is led by the University of Kent, UK, and has 53 beneficiary institutions from 21 countries in Europe and around the world, with a further 44 affiliated partners. The project draws on the resources of the Europlanet Society to disseminate activities and outcomes and develop a more diverse community of users.


Europlanet 2024 RI provides:


Status: OPEN
iNEXT-Discovery | Infrastructure for transnational access and discovery in structural biology | Life sciences
Transnational Access Info:

iNEXT-Discovery offers our facilities and expert support to all European scientists that have excellent ideas for translational research in the wider field of Structural Biology, regardless of prior expertise or familiarity with the methods. If you are a cell biologist, a biochemist, a medicinal chemist working with biomaterials or biotechnology, work on the food sector and you have a research question that involves knowledge of the structures of your favorite biomolecules and their interactions you should apply for access with iNEXT-Discovery. We specifically encourage researchers with no prior expertise in structural biology or specific methods to apply for access.

To apply for access you will need to have purified material for the molecules you want to study (e.g. a purified protein, or a macromolecular complex, small molecules, DNA, RNA, etc). If you want to study specific proteins or complexes and you do not have the purified macromolecules, you should consider looking for help with our partner Instruct-ERIC who can help your started!

iNEXT-Discovery will peer-review your proposal for scientific excellence in the context of the goals of the project to enable translation research in a variety of scientific fields. Access provided by iNEXT-Discovery does not involve any access fees; travel, accommodation and shipment of samples are also supported to some extent. 

Access to our facilities should be cross-border (trans-national). All researchers from academia and industry, from Europe and beyond, can ask for access. 

We have an on-line submission system that allows continuous submission of user proposals. Periodically there will also be specific calls for the health, food, biotechnology, and biomaterials communities. Submitted proposals are peer-reviewed by external referees on scientific quality, and also for technical feasibility by the facility experts.

All access requests should have a clear 'translational component' and bridging structural biology research with applications in biomedical, biotechnological, biomaterial, food or environmental research.

Status: CLOSED
Deadline: 30/06/2021
IPERION HS | Integrating Platforms for the European Research Infrastructure ON Heritage Science | Social Sciences and Humanities
Transnational Access Info:

IPERION HS offers Transnational Access (TNA) to a wide range of high-level scientific instruments, methodologies, data and tools for advancing knowledge and innovation in the field of Heritage Science. Researchers in the academy, public institutions and industry can submit single or multi-analysis proposals, IPERION HS selects the best proposals and covers the costs of this activity. The TNA program offers a vast portfolio of services and activities distributed in 16 countries in Europe and the Associated Countries aiming to propose solutions to the needs of the Heritage Science community.

The combined activity promotes the development of advanced research in the examination and conservation of works of art, offering users the access to unique European resources for in situ and laboratory investigations on artwork materials through three TNA platforms: ARCHLAB, FIXLAB and MOLAB.
IPERION HS aims to deliver to the users (from experienced to primary users) not only experimental resources but also methodological approaches, compliant best practices, tools and technologies to permit them to carry out their projects in conditions otherwise impossible for them.

Status: OPEN
SoBigData-PlusPlus | SoBigData++: European Integrated Infrastructure for Social Mining and Big Data Analytics | Social Sciences and Humanities
Transnational Access Info:

Transnational Access supports short term visits  (between 1 week and 2 months) of researchers or teams at one of the installations of SoBigData that provides big data computing platforms, big social data resources, and cutting-edge computational methods:

  • Interact with the local experts
  • discuss research questions 
  • run experiments on non-public datasets and methods
  • present results at workshops/seminars

The access is granted through project calls in one of the following forms:

  • Exploratory projects are research experiments bound to multi-disciplinary themes and are expected to target data scientists from multiple disciplines.
  • Open call, blue-sky projects are targeted at researchers wishing to explore the infrastructure for their own research topics.


These opportunities are offered as part of SoBigData's Transnational Access (TNA) activities and applications can be submitted at any time.

The Virtual Access offers online services for big data and social mining research. A web front-end comprising of a catalogue of SoBigData resources (data and services) and a set of SoBigData Virtual Research Environments (VREs). 

VREs are web-based working environments equipped with a number of applications, enabling scientists to have access to the set of data, services, and algorithms needed to perform their investigation in a collaborative way.



Status: OPEN
EVA-GLOBAL | European Virus Archive GLOBAL | Life sciences
Transnational Access Info:

Our ultimate goal is to provide global access to standardised diagnostic, therapeutic and research tools that will significantly enhance our efforts to control diseases and improve human and animal health. Being constantly updated, the EVAg Portal enable to provide an overview on all EVAg qualified resources and capacities: virus, reagents, platforms, protocols, processes as well as trainings and expertise available from all the partners .
This unique platform thus constitutes a cornerstone for virus research projects aimed at epidemic/pandemic preparedness and response, in providing both essential resources as well as a platform for the continuation of project-derived products.

Status: OPEN
JERICO-S3 | Joint European Research Infrastructure of Coastal Observatories: Science, Service, Sustainability - JERICO-S3 | Environment and Earth Sciences
Transnational Access Info:

The TA program will consist of 3 calls over the duration of the Jerico S3 project 2020-2024.

The primary objective of Transnational Access (WP8) is to provide smooth and efficient access to JERICO-S3 Research Infrastructures and Resources for researchers or research teams from academia and industry using EU funded instruments.
The call offers funding support for Transnational Access to a number of unique European Coastal Observatories and Calibration Facilities for international research and technology development. The infrastructures available to access include fixed platforms,gliders,cabled observatories, ferryboxes, calibration labs and a range of specialist equipment. The infrastructures provided are pan European, covering all of Europe’s coastal seas from the Arctic to the Mediterranean.

The detailed procedures for the assessment of TA applications, the common rules, FAQs and access conditions to the infrastructures may be accessed on the Jerico RI website. All potential TA applicants are advised to contact the respective facility providers to discuss the facilities available,scheduling, planning and logistics to access the infrastructures and services available through Transnational Access.

Status: OPEN
ERIGrid 2.0 | European Research Infrastructure supporting Smart Grid and Smart Energy Systems Research, Technology Development, Validation and Roll Out – Second Edition | Engineering and Energy
Transnational Access Info:

The H2020 project ERIGrid 2.0 which starts on April 1, 2020 invites all interested engineers involved in the domains of power system testing, smart grids and distributed energy to receive free funding to access the best laboratories of Europe (i.e. Transnational Access) and perform their own experimental research. On top of this, you have a possibility of Virtual Access to the laboratory of your choice.

If your laboratory access (i.e., Transnational Access) application is successful, you will receive funding for your research stay at the location of the laboratory you selected, including funding for:

  • Travelling
  • Accommodation
  • Lab access to ERIGrid testing and simulation facilities
  • Access to concentrated know-how and best practices in the field of smart grid systems and DER, such as: power system components characterisation and evaluation, smart grid ICT / automation validation, co-simulation, real-time simulation and Power/Controller Hardware-in-the-Loop (HIL), and others.


You can access and start using the free virtual services right away taking the following points into account:

  • The provided virtual data, services and resources are openly and freely available under open access licenses through communication networks.
  • Access to virtual services allows for a quick, easy and casual access to existing virtual resources by eliminating administrative obstacles.
  • Users can try the provided virtual services without obligations.
  • No individual support or supervision is offered to the users.

To stay informed about the access programme and detailed descriptions of the laboratories, bookmark this page or just subscribe to the ERIGrid 2.0 newsletter to receive all the updates directly in your inbox.

Status: OPEN
EUROCHAMP-2020 | EUROCHAMP-2020 | Environment and Earth Sciences
Transnational Access Info:

EUROCHAMP-2020 aims at further integrating the most advanced European atmospheric simulation chambers into a world-class infrastructure for research and innovation.

 EUROCHAMP-2020 incorporates a range of chamber platforms that are both diverse and highly versatile. EUROCHAMP-2020 is thus a basis for engaging the wider scientific community in more trans-disciplinary approaches to better understand the impacts of atmospheric processes in an integrated manner. This opens up exciting opportunities for researchers working in a range of areas such as health and cultural heritage, as well as in the broader environmental domain.

 Physical Access to the Chambers provides hands-on trans-national access to 16 of the chamber facilities in EUROCHAMP-2020. The research facilities are equipped with state-of-the-art equipment, a very high level of services, and the capacity to provide high quality, research drive training to young scientists and new users. 

Physical/Remote Access to Calibration Facilities provides access to 4 calibration centres in EUROCHAMP-2020. The calibration centres enable intercomparison of instruments and analytical procedures, but also provide support in the form of training and technical assistance. 

 The EUROCHAMP Data Centre provides scientists with free and open access to data from simulation chamber experiments as well as mature products and tools that support activities related to atmospheric observations and modelling:

  • The Database of Atmospheric Simulation Chamber Studies (DASCS)
  • The Library of Analytical Resources (LAR)
  • The Library of Advanced Data Products (LADP)

The call for TNA activities is continuous

Status: OPEN
ARIES | Accelerator Research and Innovation for European Science and Society | Physics and Astronomy
Transnational Access Info:

The ARIES project offers transnational access to 14 different testing facilities across Europe. The programme supports users to conduct testing within five separate domains:

  • Magnet testing
  • Material testing
  • Electron and proton beam testing
  • Radiofrequency testing
  • Plasma beam testing

Interested parties are encouraged to identify the facility most appropriate for their needs and to check their eligibility before applying.

Continuous call

Status: OPEN
SeaDataCloud | Further developing the pan-European infrastructure for marine and ocean data management | Environment and Earth Sciences
Transnational Access Info:

SeaDataNet is a standardized system for managing the large and diverse data sets collected by the oceanographic fleets and the automatic observation systems. The SeaDataNet infrastructure network and enhance the currently existing infrastructures, which are the national oceanographic data centres or data focal points of 34 countries, active in data collection. The networking of these professional data centres, in a unique virtual data management system provide integrated data sets of standardized quality on-line.

SeaDataCloud aims at considerably advancing SeaDataNet services and increasing their usage, adopting cloud and HPC technology for better performance.

Continous call.

Status: OPEN
INFRAVEC2 | Research infrastructures for the control of insect vector-borne diseases | Life sciences
Transnational Access Info:

The overall objective of the Infravec2 project is to integrate key specialized research facilities necessary for research excellence in insect vector biology, to open the infrastructure for access by researchers, and to develop new vector control measures targeting the greatest threats to human health and animal industries. Insect vectors transmit parasitic diseases such as malaria and leishmaniasis, and viral infections such as chikungunya, dengue, Zika, Japanese encephalitis and yellow fever. The 24 consortium partners hold the major European biosecure insectaries for experimental infection and containment of insect vectors under Containment Level 2 and 3 (CL2/CL3) conditions, other key insect vector facilities, and include front-line field sites in Africa, the Pacific, and the Americas.

 What products are available?

  • All major vectors infected with all major arboviruses as well as Plasmodium falciparum; custom conditions including time after infection, dissected tissues, RNA or DNA extracted, custom gene-silencing; Custom-produced genome-edited transgenic lines; Wild-collected samples; Live colonies of many species; Access to unusual vector species.
  • Access to powerful technology platforms such as vector deep-sequencing, bioinformatics, up to 100,000 mass-reared mosquitoes, high-throughput screening technologies, and tools to study insecticide resistance.
  • Physical access to state-of-the art insectaries to perform your experiments in vector infection with CL2/CL3 pathogens (arboviruses, P. falciparum); insect behavior and electrophysiology; insecticides.

Continuous call for applications, open 2017-2021

Status: OPEN
TRANSVAC2 | European Network of Vaccine Research and Development | Life sciences
Transnational Access Info:

TRANSVAC seeks to support vaccine-related projects currently in the preclinical phase of development. TRANSVAC’s goal is to further support and accelerate vaccine-related projects by providing access to the services and expertise contained within the TRANSVAC Infrastructure. Most technologies and experience are thereby free of charge.

TRANSVAC’s services are organised in four different platforms: “Technology”, “Immunocorrelates and System Biology”, “Animal Models” and “Clinical Trial Support”. Applicants are encouraged to follow an integrated approach by applying for complementing services. Suggestions for complementing services are shown in the overview diagram and under individual services.

TRANSVAC will operate a permanent call whereby applications may be submitted at any time and will be processed at pre-defined cut-off dates.

Status: OPEN
VetBioNet | Veterinary Biocontained facility Network for excellence in animal infectiology research and experimentation | Life sciences
Transnational Access Info:

The principal aim of the VetBioNet infrastructure project is to establish and maintain a comprehensive network of pre-eminent high-containment (BSL3) research facilities, academic institutes, international organisations and industry partners that is dedicated to advance research on epizootic and zoonotic diseases and to promote technological developments.

It will provide free-of-charge access to the BSL3 facilities and technical resources of the consortium to researchers or enterprises proposing a sound project related to epizootic and zoonotic diseases.

Applications can be submitted at any time and will be processed within a pre-defined time schedule of approximately 6 weeks.

Status: OPEN
BRISK II | Biofuels Research Infrastructure for Sharing Knowledge II | Engineering and Energy
Transnational Access Info:

BRISK2 will give access to researchers from EU and qualifying countries to carry out training research at any of the 15 project partners’ facilities across Europe.

Researchers will be able to apply to visit any BRISK2 research partner located outside of their home country to utilise biomass conversion research facilities. BRISK2 will pay for transnational access (TA) along with a grant for travel and subsistence.

BRISK2 will begin accepting formal applications for Transnational Access from August 2017

Applications are accepted year round and are pooled for assessment twice per year until 2022 according to the following dates: deadline October 1st and April 1st

Status: OPEN
CALIPSOplus | Convenient Access to Light Sources Open to Innovation, Science and to the World | Material Sciences & Analytical Facilities
Transnational Access Info:

The aim of the CALIPSOplus project is to remove barriers for access to world-class accelerator-based light sources in Europe and in the Middle East. To this end more than 82,500 hours of trans-national access are provided to these research infrastructures and specific programmes are in place to teach new users how to successfully use synchrotrons and FELs (access to synchrotrons, FEL-IR, FEL-X-ray, Hard X-ray).

For more information about the funding procedure for Trans-national Access within CALIPSOplus please visit the website of each facility you are interested in.


Status: OPEN
EUSMI | EUROPEAN SOFT MATTER INFRASTRUCTURE | Material Sciences & Analytical Facilities
Transnational Access Info:

EUSMI provides the community of European soft-matter researchers with an open-access infrastructure as a platform to support and extend their research, covering characterization, synthesis, and modeling.

Access is offered to infrastructures covering the full chain of functional soft-matter material research, ranging from advanced material characterization by a full suite of specialized experimental installations, including large-scale facilities, chemical synthesis of a full set of soft-matter materials, up-scaling of laboratory synthesis, to modeling by high-performance supercomputing.

There are no deadlines, proposals are evaluated upon arrivals


Status: OPEN
ASSEMBLE Plus | Association of European Marine Biological Laboratories Expanded | Environment and Earth Sciences
Transnational Access Info:

 ASSEMBLE Plus brings together 32 marine stations and institutes with modern research infrastructures and track-records of unique service provision, from various regions of the world's oceans and seas, under the leadership of the European Marine Biological Resource Centre (EMBRC), an ESFRI consortium developed from the previous ASSEMBLE (FP7) partnership.

Trans-national Access (TA) is either on-site or remote.

The marine stations provide access to a high diversity of marine environments: from the high Arctic (IOPAN) and Antartic (NERC-BAS) to the tropics (IUI and NIOZ-CNSI) and the mid-Atlantic ridge (CCMAR, IMAR). Within mainland Europe, access is provided to the Mediterranean, the Atlantic and the Baltic Sea. Habitats comprise estuaries (e.g. SZN (ISMAR), CCMAR, AWI, IOPAN, UG), mega-tidal seas (UPMC, SBR), cold-water coral reefs (UGOT, NUIG, SAMS), brackish seas and sea ice communities (IOPAN, UH: TSZ, ARI, HBS), near-shore deep sea (HCMR, UPMC-OOV, NUIG, UGOT, SAMS) and volcanic seeps (high CO2 – low pH; HCMR, SZN, IMAR).

For more information on how to apply, please visit

Status: OPEN
HEMERA | Integrated access to balloon-borne platforms for innovative research and technology | Physics and Astronomy
Transnational Access Info:

HEMERA is a Reseach Infrastructure which integrates a large starting community in the field of tropospheric and stratospheric balloon-borne research, to make existing balloon facilities available to all scientific teams in the European Union, Canada and associated countries. The complementary of the HEMERA members’ capabilities in the field of balloon systems and operations will offer an easy and enhanced service to the scientific community. A wide range of scientific and technical themes are addressed, such as astronomy, atmospheric physics and chemistry, climate research, fundamental physics, biology, space research and technology.


Status: OPEN
INSPIRE | Infrastructure in Proton International Research | Life sciences
Transnational Access Info:

Inspire’s Transnational Access infrastructure is dedicated to providing free access to research rooms in clinical proton beam therapy centres across Europe.

Transnational Access is an opportunity to promote excellent science through trans-European collaboration, rather than the provision of a service. In this way Europe’s research capabilities and expertise in the field will grow and it will harness the potential of researchers that do not normally have access to Proton Beam Therapy technology.

Status: OPEN
ELEXIS | European Lexicographic Infrastructure | Social Sciences and Humanities
Transnational Access Info:

ELEXIS will integrate, extend and harmonise national and regional  efforts in the field of lexicography, both modern and historical, with the goal of creating a sustainable infrastructure which will enable efficient access to high quality lexical data in the digital age, and bridge the gap between more advanced and lesser-resourced scholarly communities working on lexicographic resources.

ELEXIS project provides cost-free access for academic institutions in the EU to infrastructures provided by the project partners. The number of available resources will grow in the course of the project. There are no financial implications to the institutions for accessing them:

  • the Sketch Engine corpus query, corpus building and corpus management system allows users to build and work with 300+ text corpora in over 90 languages and 20 scripts.
  • Lexonomy is a cloud-based dictionary writing and also online dictionary publishing system which is highly scalable to adapt to large dictionary projects as well as small lexicographic works such as editing and online publishing of domain-specific glossaries or terminology resources


Status: OPEN
TERRINet | The European Robotics Research Infrastructure Network | Engineering and Energy
Transnational Access Info:

TERRINet aims to enable different users (researchers, entrepreneurs, students, …) to obtain easy access to various installations at providers’ infrastructures to fully exploit their potential and multiply their impact on research and innovation

The next call is open continously with cut-off every 4 months.

Status: OPEN
EUMarineRobots | EUMarineRobots - Marine robotics research infrastructure network | Engineering and Energy
Transnational Access Info:

Our proposal is to build a network of marine robotics RIs to help ensure that the EU remains a world-leader in ocean science and engineering, with a thriving maritime industry. The proposed RI will enable, expand and reduce risk of access to next-generation marine robotics technologies and operational expertise and will build confidence in end-users to accelerate the adoption of next-generation marine robotics for the marine sector as a whole.

To do so we will have a series of Trans-national access activities (TNA) with the focus of:

  • providing a coherent framework for stakeholders to gain access to both the “standard” and the “developing” capacities of the RI providing access to appropriate levels of training and best-practices, to build sustainability by educating the next generation of practitioners
  • providing access to experimental activities proposed by external partners or use-cases that are chosen to provide a broad cross-section of experimental opportunities for end-users

Through all this EUMarineRobots is making available a huge range of marine robotic and support infrastructure with a capital value of well in-excess of €500M and its associated support personnel.


Status: OPEN
ARICE | Arctic Research Icebreaker Consortium | Environment and Earth Sciences
Transnational Access Info:

ARICE will provide transnational access to four European and two international research icebreakers for European scientists. Access is granted based on scientific excellence of the research proposals, which researchers need to submit during the application process. The participating icebreakers are:

  • PRV Polarstern, Germany
  • IB Oden, Sweden
  • RV Kronprins Haakon, Norway
  • RRS Sir David Attenborough, United Kingdom
  • CCGS Amundsen, Canada
  • RV Sikuliaq, United States of America


Status: OPEN
NanoCommons | The European Nanotechnology Community Informatics Platform: Bridging data and disciplinary gaps for industry and regulators | e-Infrastructures
Transnational Access Info:

NanoCommons is driven by the European nanosafety, nanomedicine and emerging materials research and regulatory communities need for an e-infrastructure providing a standardised, reproducible and interoperable way to access all available data, knowledge and analysis and modelling tools that have been adapted and verified as suitable for application to nanomaterials. It will deliver a sustainable and openly accessible nanoinformatics framework (knowledgebase and integrated computational tools, supported by expert advice, data interpretation and training), for assessment of the risks of NMs, their products and their formulations.

Through transnational access calls, it will provide  access to the data, methods and tools collected or produced under the project, along with expert guidance in their use and in experimental design and workflows to harmonise data quality into the future.

Status: OPEN
EDIReX | EurOPDX Distributed Infrastructure for Research on patient-derived cancer Xenografts | Life sciences
Transnational Access Info:

Patient-derived tumour xenografts (PDX) are now widely embraced by the scientific community as important preclinical tools for cancer biomarker discovery and drug development. However, they are costly and time-consuming to develop. As such, data sharing and collaboration has been essential to the growth of this research field, but is still limited by a lack of central guidance and suitable infrastructures.

Altogether, the members of the EurOPDX Consortium have established a panel of more than 1,500 subcutaneous and orthotopic PDX models for more than 30 pathologies. These models and their phenotypic and molecular traits have been poorly visible outside of publications in scientific journals or presentations at congresses, and are so far only accessible through discrete collaborative projects.

As part of the EDIReX grant, 3 trans-national access calls will be launched by the EurOPDX Research Infrastructure between 2018 and 2020. TA offers academic and industry researchers from Europe and worldwide the opportunity to remotely access the patient-derived tumour xenografts (PDX) models, services, and expertise of the EurOPDX Research Infrastructure.


Status: OPEN
IBISBA 1.0 | Industrial Biotechnology Innovation and Synthetic Biology Accelerator | Life sciences
Transnational Access Info:

IBISBA 1.0 aims to support Biotechnology research and help the European biotechnology academia and industries to develop innovative solutions for the future, by improving and facilitating access to state-of-the-art research facilities throughout Europe. These include bioreactors, models and decision-support systems, laboratories and other facilities. The Transnational Access Programme offers external users free access to the 17 IBISBA 1.0 specialized research structures and facilities.

To get the latest information about TNA, you can subscribe to TNA Alert

Status: OPEN
EU_FT-ICR_MS | European Network of Fourier-Transform Ion-Cyclotron-Resonance Mass Spectrometry Centers | Material Sciences & Analytical Facilities
Transnational Access Info:

EU_FT-ICR_MS proposal aims to establish a European network of FT-ICR (Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance) mass spectrometry (MS) centers in association with a manufacturer and a SME software company. Mass spectrometry (MS) has become the most ubiquitous analytical techniques in use today, providing more information on the composition and the structure of a substance from a smaller amount of sample than any other techniques.

The network includes centers equipped with up-to-date FT-ICR MS and expertise which will cover most of the field in which FT-ICR mass spectrometry is involved: BioOrganic & BioInorganic, Cultural heritage, Glycomics, Environment, Imaging, InfraRed Spectroscopy of Ions in the Gas Phase, Lipidomics, Medicine, Petroleum & Coal Oil, Nanoparticles, Organic chemistry, Physical chemistry, Proteomics, Structural biology.

To gain access to one of the centers, you have to submit a inquiry through the  proposal system . Submissions are welcome at any time. The evaluation procedure should lead to an answer to the proposer within 4 weeks of the submission date.

Status: OPEN
SmartCow | An integrated infrastructure for increased research capability and innovation in the European cattle sector | Environment and Earth Sciences
Transnational Access Info:

SmartCow integrates key European cattle research infrastructures to promote their coordinated use and development and thereby help the European cattle sector face the challenge of sustainable production. Covering all the relevant scientific fields and the diversity of cattle types and production systems, SmartCow will provide the academic and private research communities with easy access to 11 major research infrastructures from 7 countries (18 installations) of high quality services and resources.

Support from the SmartCow budget covers the operating costs of facilities, but not the external users’ own costs.

Overall, SmartCow TNA Calls will be able to support up to 30 research projects representing a total of 10.000 “cow-weeks” (number of animals * number of experimental weeks).

Status: OPEN
EnABLES | European Infrastructure Powering the Internet of Things | Engineering and Energy
Transnational Access Info:

EnABLES integrates key European research infrastructures in powering the Internet of Things (IoT). Six research institutes together with five knowledge hubs of excellence will address the long term needs of energy management in self-powered smart sensor systems as required by IoT innovation.

To access the facilities, you have to become member of the EnABLES network. A sign-up page allows you to become a member of the EnABLES network and receive specific information on EnABLES technologies, details about upcoming events and news. From the sign-up page you can also make a more detailed enquiry, giving a brief description of your access interest. This important step will ensure that the specific technologies/facilities you require are available and that you are eligible before you go through the formal Access Application procedure.

Application and selection of the proposals to grant access is a rolling process.

EnABLES offers virtual access to the following data (for registered users):

Status: OPEN
Transnational Access Info:

ASSEMBLE Plus is a consortium of 23 partner organisations from 16 countries, operating under the umbrella of the European Marine Biological Research Centre (EMBRC-ERIC).

It integrates over 30 marine biological stations and installations from various regions of the world's oceans and seas; providing scientists from academia, industry and policy with the services of these marine stations. Prospective users can apply for funding to use these ASSEMBLE Plus facilities to carry out Transnational Access research projects.

Gathered also within ASSEMBLE Plus are five Joint Research Activities and four Networking Activities which have the aim of sharing research experience and research data and promoting FAIR data principles.

Status: CLOSED
Deadline: 14/06/2019
Next Deadline: 31/01/2020
EMP | European Microkelvin Platform | Physics and Astronomy
Transnational Access Info:

The European Microkelvin Platform (EMP) is a consortium of 17 partners which have an extensive portfolio of capacities and expertise in ultralow temperature physics. The EMP has been established in 2014 und provides access to the milli- and microkelvin temperature regime. Since the lowest accessible temperatures are continuously falling, we also lay considerable weight on improving and upgrading our infrastructure. These advances allow us, and our users from across Europe, to study new phenomena, thereby generating new knowledge, applications and commercial opportunities. We have a particular interest in the benefits of ultralow temperature physics for driving forward the inter-related areas of quantum materials, nanoscience, and quantum technology. The activities of the EMP hold enormous potential for innovation.


The call for TNA applications is continous.

Status: OPEN
RADIATE | Research And Development with Ion Beams – Advancing Technology in Europe | Material Sciences & Analytical Facilities
Transnational Access Info:

RADIATE aims to provide easy, flexible and efficient access to researchers from academia and industry to European ion beam facilities. Over the course of the project’s run-time, more than 15.800 hours of transnational access (TA) will be offered at 11 of RADIATE’s project partners.

Through transnational access, RADIATE is able to offer a wide range of ion beams of all stable elements in the periodic table from low to high ion energies. RADIATE unifies diverse but complementary facilities across Europe and creates a coherent network.

RADIATE will diversify, widen, and deepen transnational access. The main objective is to enlarge the community of ion beam technologies to users from new disciplines and new industries. The aim is to have a sustainable increase in new users by the end of the project. RADIATE will do so by catering to the specific needs of new, first time users and offer sample preparation, characterization, quality assurance, clean room, and sample storage amongst other things.


The call for TNA applications is continous.

Status: OPEN
STRONG-2020 | The strong interaction at the frontier of knowledge: fundamental research and applications | Physics and Astronomy
Transnational Access Info:

TA-LNF is the acronym for Transnational Access (TA) to the Research Infrastructure Frascati National Laboratories (LNF) of Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare.
The objective of TA-LNF is to provide researchers from European Member States and Associated Countries with free access to the facilities of LNF. The external users take advantage of infrastructural, logistical, technological and scientific support (including travel and subsistence). Transnational Access is one of the three blocks of activities (Networking, Joint Research, Transnational and Virtual Access) which are the pillars of the Integrating Activity STRONG-2020.

Status: OPEN
EASI-Genomics | European Advanced infraStructure for Innovative Genomics | Life sciences
Transnational Access Info:

EASI-Genomics will provide free-of-charge sequencing and data analysis services to selected projects. Researchers from academia or industry willing to benefit from this opportunity will have to submit complete proposals responding to the EASI-Genomics Calls, through the online application platform established for this purpose. Eligible proposals will be evaluated by external reviewers, and eventually selected and allocated to one of the EASI-Genomics facilities. More information on the application, selection, and implementation processes is available here

Status: OPEN
EPIC-XS | European Proteomics Infrastructure Consortium providing Access | Life sciences
Transnational Access Info:


EPIC-XS supports all European member states and associated countries as well as International laboratories (in a more limited capacity), to perform proteomics research across a trans-national platform.

National access is permitted only in situations where a particular generic technologies e.g. 2D gel electrophoresis, in gel digestion etc  are available at multiple locations and the user cannot claim travel expenses when availing of national access and is limited to 10% of access capacity of the site.


A total infrastructure of over 80 state-of-the-art mass spectrometers are available in eleven transnational access sites.

Our team  have over 30 Orbitrap’s, more than 10 Q – TOF’s, and  5 Triple Quad’s. The platform also houses a series of MALDI-TOF/TOF’s and FT-ICR high resolution instruments. Different access sites will host projects with different requirements according to the technological expertise available  (e.g. PTM analysis, membrane protein analysis, Bio-imaging, native structure analysis, native MS).

Status: OPEN
ReIReS | Research Infrastructure on Religious Studies | Social Sciences and Humanities
Transnational Access Info:

ReIReS offers International Scholarships in Religious Studies:

Scholars from any academic discipline are invited to apply for a scholarship to spend typically two weeks in one of 14 outstanding European research centres (libraries and archives) in Belgium, Bulgaria, France, Germany, and Italy to carry out their research project in historical religious studies.


ReIReS grants:

  • Free travel and accommodation.
  • Free access to physical and virtual sources under the guidance of experts.

Libraries and Archives which offer ReIReS Scholarships for Transnational Access

Please click on the links above for detailed information on the institutions and their holdings and the services of ReIReS.

All these centres and libraries hold relevant collections for the history of Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and also Ancient and non European Religions. They grant access to their collections of manuscripts, rare books, documents and materials which allow research concerning religious studies and interreligious and interconfessional dialogue throughout history.

Status: OPEN
AQUAEXCEL3.0 | AQUAculture infrastructures for EXCELlence in EUropean fish research 3.0 | Life sciences
Transnational Access Info:

A major feature of AQUAEXCEL3.0 is its TNA program, allowing external researchers to access the partners’ facilities via submission of research proposals, which are funded based on the evaluation by an independent selection panel.

Status: OPEN
AQUACOSM-plus | Network of Leading Ecosystem Scale Experimental AQUAtic MesoCOSM Facilities Connecting Rivers, Lakes, Estuaries and Oceans in Europe and beyond | Environment and Earth Sciences
Transnational Access Info:

Between 2021 and 2023 AQUACOSM-plus will offer >13000 person-days of Transnational Access (TA) to more than 60 different leading and highly complementary European mesocosm facilities located at 28 AQUACOSM-plus partners throughout Europe. The AQUACOSM-plus mesocosm facilities represent a cross section of European aquatic ecosystems ranging from Sub-Arctic to Mediterranean, from mountains to lowlands, from freshwater to marine, and from ultra-oligotrophic to hyper-eutrophic conditions.

Successful TA applicants will be offered access to AQUACOSM-plus facilities including logistical, technological and scientific supportspecific training as well as travel and accommodation free of charge. Details on the aims and importance of TAwhat TA offerswho can apply, the selection criteria and the evaluation procedure can be found below.

Status: OPEN
JERICO-NEXT | Joint European Research Infrastructure network for Coastal Observatory – Novel European eXpertise for coastal observaTories | Environment and Earth Sciences
Transnational Access Info:

The coastal area is the most productive and dynamic environment of the world ocean with significant resources and services for mankind. 

JERICO-NEXT emphasizes that the complexity of the coastal ocean cannot be well understood if interconnection between physics, biogeochemistry and biology is not guaranteed. Such an integration requires new technological developments allowing continuous monitoring of a larger set of parameters. 

Our vision is to improve and innovate the cooperation in coastal observatories in Europe by implementing the coastal part of a European Ocean Observing System, to cooperate with other European initiatives as ESFRI (EURO-ARGO, EMSO, EMBRC), Integrated Infrastructures (FIXO3, …), OCEAN OF TOMORROW sensors innovation project (SenseOCEAN, NEXOS), the emerging European biological network (EMBRC) and EMODnet to contribute to provide services to the research community and the society.

Status: OPEN
MOSBRI | MOlecular-Scale Biophysics Research Infrastructure | Life sciences
Transnational Access Info:

MOSBRI offers access to a range of services provided as free of charge transnational access (TNA). Physical and remote access to MOSBRI’s suite of instruments and methodologies are offered, as well as access to a range of pipelines that are integrated access to a synergistic set of biophysical instruments and technologies. Furthermore, products will be made available through virtual access.

Status: OPEN
PIGWEB | An infrastructure for experimental research for sustainable pig production | Life sciences
Transnational Access Info:

A major feature of PIGWEB is its transnational access (TNA) programme, allowing external teams (both academic and private researchers) to access the partners’ infrastructures via the submission of research proposals.

A budget of about 1.5 million euro is reserved to provide free access to top-quality pig research installations across Europe in an easy and transparent way. In total, 28 experimental pig research installations of the 10 participating research infrastructures are made available for TNA.

Status: OPEN
HITRIplus | Heavy Ion Therapy Research Integration plus | Life sciences
Transnational Access Info:

The goal of Heavy Ion Therapy Research Integration plus (HITRIplus) is to integrate and propel biophysics and medical research on cancer treatment with heavy ions beams while jointly developing its sophisticated instruments. 

HITRIplus Transnational Access will integrate and open to external researchers the experimental programme of the five European facilities providing therapeutic ion beams. Its Networks will structure and foster the research on heavy ion therapy, including clinical and pre-clinical research. Joint Research Activities will develop new accelerator and beam delivery technologies to extend the reach of the present generation centres and to define a new European reference design, at lower cost and dimensions, to make cancer ion therapy more accessible and to open new markets to European industry.

Status: OPEN
RADNEXT | RADiation facility Network for the EXploration of effects for indusTry and research | Engineering and Energy
Transnational Access Info:

RADNEXT is an H2020 INFRAIA-02-2020 infrastructure project with the objective of creating a network of facilities and related irradiation methodology for responding to the emerging needs of electronics component and system irradiation; as well as combining different irradiation and simulation techniques for optimizing the radiation hardness assurance for systems, focusing on the related risk assessment.

Transnational Access to irradiation facilities is the cornerstone of the RADNEXT project. More than 6000 beam time hours are awarded during the four years of the project, in more than 20 different facilities in Europe and beyond.

Both academic and industrial groups are eligible for beam time as potential RADNEXT users, and in particular small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are strongly encouraged to submit their proposals.


Status: OPEN
PITHIA-NRF | Plasmasphere Ionosphere Thermosphere Integrated Research Environment and Access services: a Network of Research Facilities | Environment and Earth Sciences
Transnational Access Info:

PITHIA-NRF aims at building a European distributed network that integrates observing facilities, data processing tools and prediction models dedicated to ionosphere, thermosphere and plasmasphere research. For the first time, PITHIA-NRF integrates on a European scale, and opens up, to all European researchers, key national and regional research infrastructures such as EISCAT, LOFAR, Ionosondes and Digisondes, GNSS receivers, Doppler sounding systems, riometers, and VLF receivers, ensuring optimal use and joint development. PITHIA-NRF is designed to provide organized access to experimental facilities, FAIR data, standardized data products, training and innovation services. Furthermore, PITHIA-NRF facilitates drastically research advances in the field of upper atmosphere and near-Earth space, through the integration of data collections from satellite missions (such as Cluster, DEMETER, Swarm and CHAMP) and results from key prediction models (such as IPIM-IRAP, MCM-SWAMI, SWIF and EUHFORIA) that can be accessed by scientific users for join exploitation with the data collected from the research infrastructures of the network.

Status: OPEN
ChETEC-INFRA | Chemical Elements as Tracers of the Evolution of the Cosmos - Infrastructures for Nuclear Astrophysics | Physics and Astronomy
Transnational Access Info:

ChETEC aims to coordinate research efforts in astronomy, astrophysics, and nuclear physics; to build pan-European inter-disciplinary bridges between these disciplines; and to link this blue skies research with SMEs who can provide the technological tools required for the exploitation of data, software and techniques and in return join the innovation cycle.

Status: OPEN